Employment history

Working as an anthropologist/ethnomusicologist and pedagogical advisor for the project Démos at the Philharmonie de Paris.

Démos is an experimental project that teaches orchestra to children between the ages of seven and twelve, who live in sensitive areas of
the city, or neighbourhoods identified under the French government’s ‘politique de la ville’ programme. I am responsible for maximising
the role played by world music and anthropology in this initiative.

Previous positions

1999-2017 Javanese gamelan teacher at the Cité de la musique (Paris).

For adults, children, school groups, students.

2016 Fixer and scientific advisor for the participation of three Yezidi musicians in Taryn Simon's performance An Occupation of Loss at the Park Avenue Armory (New-York).
2015 Assistant director in the project of webdocumentary Inouï.
2014-2015 Coordination of the 23rd ICTM colloquium on "liminal utterances between speech and song" in Nanterre University (20-22 May).
2014-2015 Post-doctoral research fellow at the CREM/LESC-CNRS for the ANR DIADEMS (Description, Indexation, Access to Sound and Ethnomusicological Documents).
2012-2014 Post-doctoral research fellow of the Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) at the Institute of Ethnomusicology (INET-MD), Faculdade de Ciências sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH/UNL), Portugal.

My research project focused on musical and poetic expressions of self-sacrifice in the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Caucasus.

In the framework of my fellowship, I taught a doctoral class on "Music and Grief" (2012), and another on the voice: "Vocal Anthropology: Acoustics, Agency and Power of the Voice" (2013 and 2014).

2010-2011 Temporary lecturer at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH/UNL), Portugal.

Teaching practice and theory of Javanese gamelan. More information here.

2007-2009 Temporary lecturer (ATER) at Université Paris Ouest - La Défense (Nanterre).

I taught the following lectures: "What is ethnomusicology?", "Fieldwork in ethnomusicology", "Social organisation and kinship", "Key texts in anthropology".

2006-2009 In charge by the Cité de la musique (Paris) of the development of Javanese gamelan in Southeastern France.

I coordinated the training of new teachers in gamelan and the educational program with students from the university of Nice, from the Conservatoire of Cannes (CNR) and the regional delegation for Music and dance (ADEM 06).

2006-2007 Temporary lecturer in Ethnomusicology at Université Paris VII-Jussieu (for students in Masters).
2005-2006 Temporary lecturer in Ethnomusicology at Université Paris X-Nanterre (for undergraduate students).
2005 Conception and coordination of Feleknaz Esmer and Gazin's concert at the Cité de la musique (Paris) during the festival "Destins kurdes" (25-27 Feb. 2005).

Realisation of a filmed interview "Feleknaz Esmer et Gazin, chanteuses kurdes" (21min 41), Mondomix/Cité de la musique.

1999-2000 Coordination of the program EDADE (Students for the Development of Sustainable Agriculture in Eastern Europe).

Teaching French to Russian students in Moscow in June 1999 in collaboration with the French Cultural Center.

Coordination of the students during their stay in France (July-September 1999) and organisation of seminars in Agriculture in France and Germany.

Travel in Russia to various academies of agriculture for the selection of the students for 2000 (Kazan, Samara, Penza, Voronej, Kalouga, Belgorod, Novgorod).

1997-2000 Music teacher at the National Center for Research in Pedagogy (CNRP) - Galerie Sonore (Angers).

For adults, children, disabled persons. My teaching was mostly on Javanese gamelan and Arabic percussions.

Mentoring of master students

Loré AJIRENT-SAGASPE La recherche-action "Patrimoine musical des nanterriens". De l'implication du chercheur dans son environnement immédiat, Masters in Anthropology, speciality Ethnomusicology, defended in June 2016 at University Paris-Ouest Nanterre. Supervisor: Nicolas Prévôt, Mentor: Estelle Amy de la Bretèque.

Kamnoush KHOSROVANI Danses des soufis Qadéris de Sannandaj:la dimension de Mojahedat (épreuve) dans la pratique du Zekr.Masters in Anthropology, speciality Ethnomusicology, defended in June 2015 at University Paris-Ouest Nanterre. Supervisor: Michael Houseman, Mentor: Estelle Amy de la Bretèque.

Waed BOU HASSOUN Les chants du rituel funéraire chez les Druzes du Sud de la Syrie (jebel al-arabe), Masters in Anthropology, speciality Ethnomusicology, defended in June 2013 at University Paris-Ouest Nanterre La Défense. Supervisor: Jean Lambert, Mentor: Estelle Amy de la Bretèque.

Nicolas RENNES La place du jazz dans les musiques actuelles: entre particularisme et collaboration. Masters in Sociology and anthropology, speciality Cultural Politics, defended in September 2007 at Paris University VII. Supervisor: Martine Chaudron, Mentor: Estelle Amy de la Bretèque.

Editorial tasks

Member of the editorial board of Central Eurasian Reader.

External reviewer for the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI), Anthropological Quaterly, Ethnos, Journal of Kurdish Studies and European Journal of Kurkish Studies., European Journal of Turkish Studies, Yearbook for Traditional Music.

Membership of research groups and professional organisations

Member of the Research Team of the Institute of Ethnomusicology (INET-MD), Lisbon.

Member of the Research Center in Ethnomusicology (CREM-LESC CNRS UMR 7186), Paris.

Member of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).

Member of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM).

Member of the French Society for Ethnomusicology (SFE).

Grants and scholarships

2012, 2013 and 2014 Post-doctoral grant from the Portuguese FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), held at the Institute of Ethnomusicology of Lisbon (INET-MD/FCSH-UNL).

2011 Grant for publication SFE (Société française d'ethnomusicologie).

2011 Grant for publication Université Paris Ouest La Défense.

2011 Grant for publication Centre de recherche en ethnomusicologie (CREM LESC UMR 7186).

2007 Grant Lavoisier (Ministère des affaires étrangères) for 7 months of fieldwork in Armenia.