2011 "Le pleur du duduk et la danse du zurna: essai de typologie musicale des émotions dans la communauté yézidie d’Arménie"
Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 56 (2):385-401.
Republished in La voix actée. Pour une nouvelle ethnopoétique, C.Calame, F.Dupont, B.Lortat-Jacob and M.Manca eds. Kimé, 2010: 175-194.
By analyzing enunciation in performance, this article shows the similarities among funeral laments, epic songs, exile songs and the playing of the duduk (oboe). Regarded as “words on” (kilamê ser), these four types of enunciation share melodic, metric, gestural and emotional elements. According to local typologies, the “words on” are opposed to songs (stran), a term referring mostly to wedding music and the zurna (oboe). The opposition between word and song is also related to a series of antinomic couples, such as exile vs. household, sadness vs. joy, or duduk vs. zurna. An analysis of these music and enunciation typologies of emotion allows an approach to Yezidi ritual and calendar time.
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